Divine Providence - George Washington's Story

Let Us Tell You a Story
In this piece we see President George Washington. Listen to the video above to get the full story of the piece or continue reading below.
The painting tells a compelling story of President Washington Our Founding Father and the humble beginnings of this great nation.
The hoof prints imprinted into the path in the foreground of the painting will open up the discussion of the events that occurred & led to the American Revolution.There was a popular saying in 1775. "You learn to love to hate the British."
The understanding of how a path is created and how it must be traveled upon, time and time again. A noble path that took our fore fathers on a journey, in the creation of the Americas. The role General Washington played in the infrastructure of an experimental government that has successfully conducted the peaceful transfer of power since her conception, and is the longest running uninterrupted Government in the free world.
No one ever took office and stayed. How that path eventually transformed into a walkway serving the 13 colonies, how that walkway merged into a roadway serving our great Nation and how that roadway grew into a thoroughfare serving the World.
Washingtons efforts laid the foundation and enabled this Nation in taking her role on the world stage. She was a deciding factor when she entered WWI in 1917 and a game changer Dec. 7 1941. With her industrial might that wielded the Great arsenal of democracy, the Americas changed the world in the ongoing journey of "Divine Providence". Had these events in history not taken place, had America not taken her role, there would be no free France, Germany, Japan, Italy and South Korea, and I wouldn't be writing this!
To the right ghosted in the sky is a young George Washington and this will educate us to his childhood. As a young man he was a surveyor, but in heart he was surveying a great nation yet to come.
He viewed the Americas as Divine Providence, the order of things. God's foothold to ensure civil liberties and freedom throughout the world. He was right! But we must remember in our hearts, our thoughts and prayers that...This Nation was created at a GREAT cost, the Native Americans and Slaves. Unknowingly their sacrifice changed the free world as we know it, and altered the course of history.
To the left is President Washington in his later years looking on in the hopes and aspirations of a great nation that would embody God's principles.
If you noticed the fox hidden within the wheat field, tells the story how King George ordered General Cornwallis to shoot Washington on sight and this will assure a quick ending to the revolutionist and their cause. But every time the British forces cornered him, Washington got away.
Many times his horse was shot out from beneath him along with holes in his hat and cape, yet he was unharmed. The British called him the Old Sly Fox. The sheath and sword hanging from the plowshare rests quietly in the wheat field. The wheat field is symbolic of America's vast resources.
Washington often told his troops we are a nation that will defend herself but quoting from the Bible, Isaiah 2:4 after this revolution let's take our sheath and sword and pound it into a plowshare.
Notice the young girl across the path standing on green grass wearing 18th century clothing, representing a generation yet to come. Women, who are the bearers of life, who nurture the growth and well being of their children, procuring their future and in time, they became children of a greater cause. The children of America. She is releasing thirteen doves each representing the separate but combined journey of each colony. She is holding the modern day flag in her right arm. A glimpse into America's future.The first dove holds an olive branch for peace while clasping a ribbon with its talons.
On the ribbon reads Thomas Payne's letter The American Crises. These published letters motivated the troops December 24th, 1776, to cross the Delaware, trek 10 miles in the surprise attack and victory on the Hessian troops. Elite Troops from Germany hired by the British. In many cases throughout the annuals of time, war precedes peace.Subtlety ghosted over the wheat field rests the original 13 Stars and Stripes, our humble beginnings.
The second path in the center of the painting heading towards a new dawn in Americas future, represents the victory at the battle of Saratoga October 17, 1777 where Washington captured 6000 British soldiers. This was the deciding factor in the American Revolution, it led King Louie of France to engage Lafayette and ordered him to assist the Americas to assure her Victory!
On Washington vest rests his spectacles, the fascinating story of the Newburgh Conspiracy. Read our blog to get a better understand of this story.
The monocle on the side of the horse marks the Rhode Island regiment. Two thousand men, half were slaves guaranteed their freedom. They became one of Washingtons most trusted and effected regiment, and drastically changed his view regarding slavery.
Upon his passing President Washington freed his slaves and assured their ability to read and write.Washington didn't free the slaves but he was instrumental in putting a stable Government in place where in 1865 our 16th president and the author of pivotal changes with our Nations history, President Lincoln was able to implement the 13th amendment.
"The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people." - President George Washington 1789
Ray Simon Art
George Washington Artwork - 'Divine Providence'