President George Washington

Josh Gianoutsos

The Story of President George Washington - "Divine Providence"

The painting "Devine Providence" tells the compelling story of our nation's founding father, President George Washington. The painting depicts various significant moments in President Washington's life as he served the colonies as both a general and the nation's first president. 

We start the story at the bottom of the painting; we can see hoof prints embedded into the path. The path symbolizes the never-ending journey our forefathers had to take in the creation of the United States of America. The path that led George Washington to be a part of the infrastructure of an experimental government, the United States government, that ended up becoming the longest-running uninterrupted government in the free world. 
Washington's efforts laid the foundation that enabled this nation to take her role on the world stage. The United States was a major deciding factor in both World Wars. Wielding her industrial might and the great arsenal of democracy, the US stopped the forces that attempted to trample on the freedom we all deserve. The U.S. helped change the world in the ongoing journey for "Divine Providence."  
Every piece of this painting shows a moment in history where Washington paved the path for freedom as we know it today. 

The Second Battle of Trenton - That Old Sly Fox 

In the bleak winter of 1776-1777, the fate of the American Revolution hung in the balance. General George Washington and the Continental Army had suffered some setbacks, and morale was starting to dwindle. But in the midst of failure, a daring plan was conceived that would put faith in and demonstrate the genius of George Washington. 

A few days before Christmas in 1776, General Washington executed a bold and unexpected attack on the Hessian garrison in Trenton. This is when the historic image of Washington crossing the Delaware River took place. The soldiers at the garrison were relaxed because they believed no one would try crossing the Delaware River at night through a storm. This is where the bravery of Washington showed to his soldiers as he rallied the troops with the words of Thomas Paine, "These are the times that try men's souls." The Hessian army was taken by surprise and defeated by Washington and the Continental Army.

Washington planned to move the Continental Army into New Jersey for recruiting purposes and to attack British supply lines. But Washington's plans were dashed once he learned that the British Army was marching towards Trenton. 

The defeat at the first battle of Trenton riled up General Cornwallis, who prepared a counteroffensive. He aimed to crush Washington's army and end the American rebellion once and for all. 

On the night of January 2nd, 1777, Washington and the Continental Army were camped along the banks of Assunpink Creek, south of Trenton. As the British Army moved to Washington's position, he sent 1,000 continental soldiers to buy them some time. He also set up forces to protect possible crossing points, he just needed to slow down the British Army. 

As night approached, the fighting died down, and General Cornwallis felt victory was within his grasp. He planned to attack Washington at the break of dawn, having him pinned against the Delaware River. Little did Cornwallis know his opponent would not go down so easily. 

The night engulfed the Continental Army; Washington ordered his men to stoke up all of the fires, enough so they would burn through the night. He led the army out of the camp from an unguarded road and marched toward Princeton. 

As dawn broke, Cornwallis believed he was about to crush the rebellion, seeing the fires still lit through the camp. The British scouts came back to him claiming the rebel camp was empty. Canon fire echoed through the air as the battle of Princeton began. Cornwallis muttered under his breath, "That old sly fox".

Newburgh Conspiracy - Washington's Spectacles

General George Washington had fought hard through the Revolutionary War. He sacrificed everything he had to ensure that the United States of America would be free from British rule. Even though the U.S. won it's independence from Great Britain, peace still eluded the American people. 

The newly formed United States was burdened with debt. This massive debt made it impossible for the U.S. to pay its army. The Continental Army, who had fought valiantly for U.S. independence, was on the brink of rebellion. Having just fought a war over taxation, the Articles of Confederation did not have the power to tax, so the newly formed government relied on other measures to raise funds. But the states did not comply, leaving Congress without the money to support the army. 

Soldiers were owed back pay, and pensions promised to them for all they had sacrificed for their country. These fires of frustration were being stoked by some officers. The word mutiny and coup began to float around the country. Some believe these thoughts to come from some nationalists who wanted to overthrow Washington. 

On March 15, 1783, a pivotal meeting occurred in Newburgh, New York. The officers, having spent days camped out, were ready to let their anger steer the young nation towards chaos. Just as one of the officers went to speak, he was interrupted by Washington. 

Washington did his best to quiet the officer's rage. He spoke of his belief in Congress and denounced the calls for a revolt. He then closed his statements by reading a letter he had brought. As he stumbled through the first few lines, he reached in his pocket for his glasses then he addressed the room.

"Gentlemen, you must pardon me, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in service to my country."

The men were stunned. They had never seen their leader, a man they revered so vulnerable. A few of the officers wept in silence; their hero had sacrificed everything for them. The spectacles placed in his vest in the painting above are a symbol of Washington's dedication to democracy. 

These are just two of the stories residing in this work of art. Continue reading for more of what this piece has to offer. 

More to the Painting 


 The Future of America

In the bottom right of the painting, we see a girl releasing 13 doves, symbolizing the journey of the thirteen original colonies. The first dove has an olive branch showing the peace of the new nation; it is also clutching a ribbon in its talons. On the ribbon reads the words of Thomas Paine, the words General George Washington spoke to his troops to get them across the freezing Delaware River. 

The girl is wearing 19th-century clothing and holds a modern American flag. She symbolizes hope and an America yet to come. 


The Declaration of Independence and the Beginning of a Nation

On the side of the road, there is a purple flower. You may have missed it in your first analysis of the painting. This flower is actually the larkspur flower, which is also known as the July birth flower. The larkspur has four peddles and four blossoms. This flower symbolizes the birth of this great nation that was signed into life with the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. 

There is so much more to this painting and symbols hidden in every brushstroke, like the ghostly image of an old and young George Washington, the sheath leaning against the plow, and even the wheat field has a purpose. If you want to learn everything this painting has to offer, order yours today from 


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